Post by bethr20 on Jul 15, 2022 14:26:13 GMT
I finally got to see Six on the West End, having seen the show once before on the tour and falling in love with it. When I found out that my local theatre was hosting the show back in November, I booked impulsive last-minute tickets (having no idea what the show was about, nor knowing any of the songs in context), and I came out that evening with my expectations completely surpassed . It was my first post-lockdown show and it completely rekindled my love for musical theatre; suffice to say, ever since then I had been hoping to see the show again West End, and it was certainly worth waiting for. I managed to get rush tickets for £25 for me and my mum (who also loves the show, and has seen it 3 times now) to the 8pm performance on Wednesday, which meant that we were sat in row A of the stalls: we knew that row AZ was the front row upon booking, but many of the people sat around us obviously didn't as they were complaining about not being at the front of the theatre. We had Rachel Rawlinson on as Catherine Howard but, other than that, it was the usual West End cast. The performance was amazing, although dampened slightly by some of the audience members around us who were singing and dancing very loudly around us; I'm pretty sure that they even got some looks directed at them from the Queens, because of how loud they were being throughout the performance. During Haus of Holbein, they even pulled out their own glasses and began adding in all of the dialogue between each other, which was frustratingly just out of time with what was happening onstage. The two girls (who were probably around the same age as me, so 17 or so), also got into a heated applaud rivalry with the girl sat behind me (probably aged 10 or 11) who was on holiday from America with her family and was ecstatic before the show about finally being able to see it, causing the applaud to be extended into the rest of the show with them wanting to 'beat' the little girl. Not so much annoying, more immature, in my opinion. I'm all for enjoying myself at a show, and applauding and whooping whilst everyone else is, but not at the detriment to the rest of the show or the other audience members around me. Sorry for the little rant, but in all of the shows that I've been to it's never been as blatant as those girls were, which is probably what surprised me the most.
Post by jacob on Jul 15, 2022 15:29:10 GMT
I finally got to see Six on the West End, having seen the show once before on the tour and falling in love with it. When I found out that my local theatre was hosting the show back in November, I booked impulsive last-minute tickets (having no idea what the show was about, nor knowing any of the songs in context), and I came out that evening with my expectations completely surpassed . did you get rush tickets from Today Tix? congrats, if so!! trying to do the same at some point - and sorry about the immature behaviour, nothing gives me the ick more than the fangirls that have to make everything about themselves .. it’s not a concert ffs
880 posts
Post by daisy24601 on Jul 30, 2022 17:07:48 GMT
Could anyone clear something up for me? I was just going through my list of West End theatres that I've visited (nearly ticked them all off now!) and I'm now confused over where I saw Six. I saw it in Nov 2021 and according to all reports it was at the Vaudeville by then. But I remember distinctly queuing around the side of the Lyric because they didn't let us in until 5 mins before th show start, so the queue was massive. Did it go back there briefly?
1,934 posts
Post by LaLuPone on Jul 30, 2022 17:34:32 GMT
Could anyone clear something up for me? I was just going through my list of West End theatres that I've visited (nearly ticked them all off now!) and I'm now confused over where I saw Six. I saw it in Nov 2021 and according to all reports it was at the Vaudeville by then. But I remember distinctly queuing around the side of the Lyric because they didn't let us in until 5 mins before th show start, so the queue was massive. Did it go back there briefly? Definitely not. It opened at the Lyric late November/early December 2020 just after we came out of another lockdown and then rapidly shut down a week later when we went straight back into lockdown, then played the Lyric again from May 2021 to the end of August before taking a month’s break to move to the Vaudeville where it opened at the end of September.
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Post by Rory on Jul 30, 2022 21:26:27 GMT
Could anyone clear something up for me? I was just going through my list of West End theatres that I've visited (nearly ticked them all off now!) and I'm now confused over where I saw Six. I saw it in Nov 2021 and according to all reports it was at the Vaudeville by then. But I remember distinctly queuing around the side of the Lyric because they didn't let us in until 5 mins before th show start, so the queue was massive. Did it go back there briefly? Yes, I saw it in November 2021 too, and it was definitely at the Vaudeville.
880 posts
Post by daisy24601 on Jul 30, 2022 22:03:40 GMT
Hmm, confusing. I will have to get to the bottom of this now.
5,169 posts
Post by TallPaul on Jul 31, 2022 8:16:53 GMT
I remember distinctly queuing around the side of the Lyric 'Tis indeed a mystery. Both the Lyric and Vaudeville are landlocked, as it were. Neither is on a corner.
Post by keekio2 on Aug 12, 2022 10:27:16 GMT
Is this still looking to move to a larger theatre it could move back to the lyric
880 posts
Post by daisy24601 on Sept 7, 2022 9:39:40 GMT
I remember distinctly queuing around the side of the Lyric 'Tis indeed a mystery. Both the Lyric and Vaudeville are landlocked, as it were. Neither is on a corner. The Lyric is on a corner, it goes down the side street past McDonalds. Turns out I didn't realise how close together my two visits were. I've been once to each place.
Post by keekio2 on Sept 23, 2022 15:09:40 GMT
Does anyone know when cast change is ?
Post by Matt on Sept 23, 2022 15:30:16 GMT
Does anyone know when cast change is ? All I know is October, but not sure on an actual date.
Post by keekio2 on Sept 23, 2022 15:54:12 GMT
Does anyone know when cast change is ? All I know is October, but not sure on an actual date. Yeah it’s in October I want to book opening night for the next cast but they are taking a while to announce it
376 posts
Post by hitmewithurbethshot on Sept 24, 2022 16:12:25 GMT
15th October I believe
Post by aingidh on Sept 29, 2022 15:38:44 GMT
New casting from 18th October
Aragon - Rhianne Louise McCaulsky Boleyn - Baylie Carson Howard - Koko Basiagra Alt Aragon/Cleves - Monique Ashe Palmer Alt Seymour/Parr - Leah Vassell
Claudia, Dionne, Danielle, Rachel and Esme are all staying in their roles, and then Roxanne takes over as Parr.
Post by intoanewlife on Sept 29, 2022 18:19:24 GMT
We get it doll you don't like the show, but do you really need to keep popping in every 3 pages or so to remind us? I hate Phantom and Cats and Les Mis, but I don't go and threadcrap on them on a regular basis...that would be annoying Lol 😂. My last post in this thread was October 21 and that was about a correction to the title. My last post in the tour thread, September 20 and that was a link to to our tickets. As you were 🙂 Mhmm... That defence only works if you don't slag it off in every other thread on the forum...
19,855 posts
Post by BurlyBeaR on Sept 29, 2022 18:27:36 GMT
Lol 😂. My last post in this thread was October 21 and that was about a correction to the title. My last post in the tour thread, September 20 and that was a link to to our tickets. As you were 🙂 Mhmm... That defence only works if you don't slag it off in every other thread on the forum... Lol. Every other thread! I just mentioned Six in one other thread (Hex). Your allegiance to this show is admirable but please stop trying to squash opposing views.
Post by intoanewlife on Sept 29, 2022 18:30:02 GMT
Mhmm... That defence only works if you don't slag it off in every other thread on the forum... Lol. Every other thread! I just mentioned Six in one other thread (Hex). Your allegiance to this show is admirable but please stop trying to squash opposing views. LOL I used to be not so much anymore x
Post by yokollama on Mar 20, 2023 17:54:46 GMT
Bit late to the party, but came across a Cell Block Tango mashup from the Chicago cast (sorry, can't find the US thread in the search function):
Post by keekio2 on Aug 4, 2023 15:34:13 GMT
Does anyone know who’s leaving and who’s joining at cast change
656 posts
Post by greeny11 on Aug 10, 2023 11:49:33 GMT
Everyone except Monique has posted on Instagram to say they're leaving at cast change - October 15th. I'm not sure if that means if Monique is staying, or if she just hasn't posted on IG today, but it's a massive cast change.
Post by JustJ on Aug 10, 2023 12:05:41 GMT
I wonder who will be cast?! I am expecting some bigger names to perhaps bring back some of the hype SIX has lost?
315 posts
Post by westended on Aug 10, 2023 12:16:42 GMT
I wonder who will be cast?! I am expecting some bigger names to perhaps bring back some of the hype SIX has lost? They are rumours circulating that Hannah Lowther may be joining the cast.
656 posts
Post by greeny11 on Aug 10, 2023 15:16:27 GMT
Monique has just posted she's also leaving (in fact, she's leaving a week early for her next venture - Moulin Rouge maybe?) - so it will be a full cast change.
Post by Matt on Aug 10, 2023 21:57:06 GMT
A lot of the announcements were quite cold and blunt…
Are they glad to be leaving or were they not expecting to be let go?
Post by intoanewlife on Aug 10, 2023 22:12:59 GMT
I am expecting some bigger names to perhaps bring back some of the hype SIX has lost? It's still sold out weeks in advance and could probably fill a much larger theatre and still do the same...how much more 'hype' does it need?