816 posts
Post by stefy69 on Jul 15, 2016 6:18:42 GMT
I had no idea of the horrendous events in Nice last night until I read my newspaper this morning.
Having stayed in or around Nice several times it seems all the more pertinent. Shocked and disgusted don't come into it.
My heart and sympathy and most important my love goes out to the people of Nice.
2,051 posts
Post by infofreako on Jul 15, 2016 7:16:26 GMT
Terrible news thoughts with all those in Nice.
Post by Deleted on Jul 15, 2016 7:22:36 GMT
Deepest love and sympathy to everyone involved.
Post by Deleted on Jul 15, 2016 7:42:17 GMT
As above, what else can one say?
Post by Deleted on Jul 15, 2016 11:13:29 GMT
A sad reminder that it doesn't need anything beyond a vehicle that can easily be rented to cause carnage. No need for bombs or firearms, just a truck.
The Promenade des Anglais, where this took place, is so called because of the large numbers of English who visited the Riviera from the eighteenth century on, reminding us of the continuing link we have with the continent. It is also the setting for the joyous musical 'The Boy Friend'.
2,065 posts
Post by Marwood on Jul 15, 2016 12:56:04 GMT
I attended the Bastille Day celebrations in Nice 10 years ago so know the area (kind of) well, my heart goes out to the people affected by this. This sort of lowlife, scumbag behaviour beggars belief.
410 posts
Post by maggiem on Jul 15, 2016 13:13:24 GMT
Exactly! I have tweeted with this hashtag.
Post by Jan on Jul 15, 2016 16:18:35 GMT
Peak Guardian from Simon Jenkins on this:
"What has happened in France is tragic and calls for human sympathy. Beyond that, there is nothing we can usefully do – other than make it worse"
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Post by Phantom of London on Jul 15, 2016 16:28:38 GMT
Like so many things, everyone is wiser after the event.
Who would have though deranged people would have used a couple aircrafts as guided missiles and crashed them in 2 tower blocks, afterwards, when you stick it and analyse the event under a microscope, it was all too easy and waiting to happen. Or suicide bomb public transport and they looked to replicate their evil deed again 2 weeks later.
Sadly 84 people are now dead, many children, it has left big holes in some families, who will be grieving and won't ever comprehend why this happened, with many families losing loved ones, also many people would have life changing injuries, but for what? What is their message? What don't they like? That we are free to select who we put in government FREELY, we are FREE how we spend and distribute our money, we are FREE to practice what religion we choose or abstain all together, that we can FREELY love and marry who we want regardless of sexuality or same sex partner, we have FREEDOM to change our sexuality, if we so wish, what in their twisted and warped ideology do they want?
17 posts
Post by lesmislover on Jul 16, 2016 22:58:11 GMT
Like so many things, everyone is wiser after the event. Who would have though deranged people would have used a couple aircrafts as guided missiles and crashed them in 2 tower blocks, afterwards, when you stick it and analyse the event under a microscope, it was all too easy and waiting to happen. Or suicide bomb public transport and they looked to replicate their evil deed again 2 weeks later. Sadly 84 people are now dead, many children, it has left big holes in some families, who will be grieving and won't ever comprehend why this happened, with many families losing loved ones, also many people would have life changing injuries, but for what? What is their message? What don't they like? That we are free to select who we put in government FREELY, we are FREE how we spend and distribute our money, we are FREE to practice what religion we choose or abstain all together, that we can FREELY love and marry who we want regardless of sexuality or same sex partner, we have FREEDOM to change our sexuality, if we so wish, what in their twisted and warped ideology do they want? So so sad, particularly for the children involved. My heart beaks for these families.
1,251 posts
Post by joem on Jul 19, 2016 13:44:49 GMT
Peak Guardian from Simon Jenkins on this: "What has happened in France is tragic and calls for human sympathy. Beyond that, there is nothing we can usefully do – other than make it worse" Mr Jenkins and his ilk's strategy seems to be "let's be dormice till we're under the final sheaf".