816 posts
Post by stefy69 on Jun 17, 2016 6:42:22 GMT
My heart goes out to her husband and young daughters.
So so sad, nothing more to say
751 posts
Post by horton on Jun 17, 2016 7:28:08 GMT
A truly shocking and saddening event. Sometimes I just want to just go and leave on a deserted island!
4,164 posts
Post by kathryn on Jun 17, 2016 8:28:09 GMT
The world just seems to be awful, at the moment. It makes my heart and head hurt.
Thoughts are with her family, friends and colleagues.
Post by Deleted on Jun 17, 2016 8:28:30 GMT
The most shocking and awful thing. Don't let Jo's work be in vain - remember to vote in the EU referendum, and if you're on the fence over which to vote for, consider voting "remain" in her honour. May those children grow up knowing that their mother was a brilliant and compassionate woman. What a dark day.
Post by Deleted on Jun 17, 2016 9:53:11 GMT
Not widely reported yet but the 'Southern Poverty Law Center', the renowned anti-fascist organisation, have published receipts of books he bought from a neo-nazi organisation including how to make weapons. What hides behind the supposedly quiet person who 'kept himself to himself' is much darker and much more resonant with the current febrile atmosphere than first thought.
MPs are people, anyone in the public eye is a person, the press are heavily to blame for demonising others but too many people run with it when it serves their purpose.
EDIT: I don't want to link to the story, as some people may find it upsetting, but it's heading their website.
Post by Deleted on Jun 17, 2016 10:08:51 GMT
"Something just broke"
Post by Deleted on Jun 17, 2016 11:12:44 GMT
I know there are guns around in the UK, but until now I have only heard of guns used within the context of gang violence. This is something else entirely and chills me to the bone.
A sad and bewildering event: hard to think what her family must be going through.
Post by d'James on Jun 17, 2016 11:21:15 GMT
Just a hideous thing to happen. She's just the type of Politician we need right now (not because of her leanings, but her way of doing things). Hopefully this won't put people off becoming MPs, and will actually encourage more people like her to stand up for what they believe in.
While we don't know the killer's motives yet, so I'll keep the rest of my thoughts to myself.
My thoughts are with her friends, family and also her constituents and colleagues.
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Post by Phantom of London on Jun 17, 2016 16:54:34 GMT
The bloke is an absolute coward.
For christ sake he gunned a woman, who happened to be a young mother, this has robbed 2 children of their mother. The bloke is heinious and below contempt. I hope he has a hard time and dies behind bars.
4,164 posts
Post by kathryn on Jun 17, 2016 17:57:11 GMT
I hope it makes people realise that the absolutely toxic political atmosphere that has been brewing in this country does no-one any good.
Post by Deleted on Jun 17, 2016 18:14:25 GMT
I felt incredibly sad and upset when I watched the news conference yesterday that broke the news of her death.
And now watching the reports about how wonderful she was, I feel sad I didn't know about her until yesterday. Whereas the self serving, righteous (INSERT SWEAR WORD) we hear about all the time.
345 posts
Post by johartuk on Jun 17, 2016 18:57:08 GMT
So unbelievably tragic. RIP Jo.
2,348 posts
Post by theglenbucklaird on Jun 17, 2016 19:51:41 GMT
Did you see Brendan Cox's statement yesterday evening so soon after the news. Sounds a great man. Hope the family recover to some sort of normality.
3 posts
Post by oscarwhite on Jun 17, 2016 20:56:52 GMT
Our thought and prays are with the family. Rest in peace.
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Post by Phantom of London on Jun 17, 2016 21:25:31 GMT
It just goes to show how toxic and outright dangerous right wing politics is, when you look at this scumbag, Anders Breivik and Pavlo Lapshyn, who all killed with impunity, because of their toxic core beliefs.
This isn't helped by arse-holes like Nigel Farage that feed these peoples insecurities, along with the Daily Mail, who once supported Hitler via the Blackshirts.
At least David Cameron has been magmanamous and came across as a leader here.
Post by Deleted on Jun 17, 2016 22:05:17 GMT
Being crazy enough to think that you need to kill someone isn't exclusive to any political party.
However, I do think the tabloids are at least partially responsible. Stories deliberately crafted to stir up anger against some group that doesn't include their own readers are a staple of all the tabloids, and those stories usually have only the most tenuous connection with reality. (The Daily Mail actually admitted that one of its stories was entirely conjectural, but of course they presented it to the readers as if it was actually happening.)
4,164 posts
Post by kathryn on Jun 17, 2016 23:17:56 GMT
Oh, the tabloids outright lie to whip up anger, they don't just conjecture, they know what they say is not true.
They know exactly what they're doing, and why they're doing it. It all comes down to what supports the owners' business interests.
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Post by Phantom of London on Jun 17, 2016 23:37:41 GMT
The Tabloids don't have to be truthful, that is how the henious Max Clifford got away with it for years, because over half the story was accurate, you look at the ex Tory MP David Mellor who had a fling with Antonia de Sancha who did a kiss and tell, which Max Clifford handled, it came out later that Max tried to persuade Antonia to say she had an abortion, but to her credit (little of it), she couldn't go through with it.
Also look at the court case Andrew Mitchell versus The Sun.
This is when Andrew Mitchell alleged to call a policeman 'a pleb' for not opening the main gate for him to exit Downing Street on his bike, there was no evidence that he called a policman that name, except from the policeman who alleged it, so it was his word against a policeman, the High Court ruled against Andrew Mitchell, I ubderstand probability is a lot lower in the civil court and for the record I do think Andrew Mitchell said what he did, but there was no evidence he did, so therefore shouln't of lost his trial.
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Post by Phantom of London on Jun 20, 2016 22:56:40 GMT
Nice heartfelt tributes from all sides of the house today in Parliament.
816 posts
Post by stefy69 on Jun 21, 2016 6:47:42 GMT
Nice heartfelt tributes from all sides of the house today in Parliament. Yes indeed and how heart breaking was the end of Rachel Reeves speech...
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Post by Phantom of London on Jun 21, 2016 14:15:19 GMT
I agree and found it very moving and shed a tear myself when she said, "in the coming weeks you can replacement for Batley will be found, but you cannot replace a mother with 2", then broke down in tears.
With that MP getting murdered by some right wing fanatic, then Nigel Farage releasing his latest and last poster campaign, this will make the mind up of the undecided and that will cause Brexit to lose on Thursday.
But as I said a cuple of posts up, a nice tribute from all sides of the house.
654 posts
Post by jek on Jun 22, 2016 8:38:52 GMT
Les Mis are tweeting that they are performing the finale at the tribute event for Jo Cox at 4pm today in Trafalgar Square.
816 posts
Post by stefy69 on Jun 22, 2016 10:53:53 GMT
Les Mis are tweeting that they are performing the finale at the tribute event for Jo Cox at 4pm today in Trafalgar Square. Yes some lovely tributes are happening today on what would have been Jo's 42nd birthday.