349 posts
Post by kimbahorel on Jun 22, 2018 18:41:36 GMT
This was a while ago so I think enough time as past to post it. I was sat right next to woman at Les Mis on a day that Adam Bayjou was Valjean. Here is me who had seen him JVJ probably 40 something time at that time (in to 60s now). During the interval the woman who had clearly seen the show before anyway. Starts to slag off Adam's Valjean down the phone to her friend. There is me... seething. I was in the slips so usually very aware of the person sat next to me for leaning forward or moving around. Put it like this for the second half I didn't care. I know people have their own opinions and I do too. It's just very unfortunate for her she was sat next to me 😂😂.
1,251 posts
Post by joem on Jun 22, 2018 20:53:22 GMT
I was asked by a young girl on Wednesday if it was my first time at the theatre.....
1,936 posts
Post by wickedgrin on Jun 23, 2018 11:01:10 GMT
I was asked by a young girl on Wednesday if it was my first time at the theatre..... Well, as pick up line I suppose it beats "get your coat you've pulled!"
1,251 posts
Post by joem on Jun 23, 2018 23:46:00 GMT
I was asked by a young girl on Wednesday if it was my first time at the theatre..... Well, as pick up line I suppose it beats "get your coat you've pulled!" Umm... somehow I don't think it was a pick-up line! But maybe I've lost touch with the scene.
3,369 posts
Post by Dr Tom on Jun 29, 2018 7:50:09 GMT
"I don't like sad shows. Why couldn't we have seen an American musical?"
Heard from stroppy American girl (late teens/early 20s) to her group after The King And I last night.
2,276 posts
Post by richey on Jul 6, 2018 22:28:42 GMT
Aspects of Love in Manchester tonight. Old couple sat right behind spent most of the interval bitching at each other. Doors are closed ready for second act and he mutters something,she mutters back to which I heard him reply "Act 2? You mean there's more?!"
Post by Deleted on Jul 7, 2018 7:34:20 GMT
Aspects of Love in Manchester tonight. Old couple sat right behind spent most of the interval bitching at each other. Doors are closed ready for second act and he mutters something,she mutters back to which I heard him reply "Act 2? You mean there's more?!" Ha brilliant.
Post by Deleted on Jul 7, 2018 14:58:29 GMT
Aspects of Love in Manchester tonight. Old couple sat right behind spent most of the interval bitching at each other. Doors are closed ready for second act and he mutters something,she mutters back to which I heard him reply "Act 2? You mean there's more?!" Ha brilliant. The reason why I found this funny is because I've deduced from your instagram pic where you were sat and therefore where the old couple were sat. And I can confirm that sat directly behind them was the Director and Co-Producer from Aria. Wonder if they heard.
892 posts
Post by longinthetooth on Jul 7, 2018 15:35:35 GMT
Reading on another thread about audio described performances reminded me of when I was leaving the theatre the other week and an usher was holding a guide dog on a lead, waiting for its owner to be brought from the auditorium.
"Oh, what a lovely dog," exclaimed a sweet old lady. "Is it lost?"
32 posts
Post by oldstager on Jul 8, 2018 15:45:39 GMT
At CONSENT the other night a lady in the front stalls who was "whispering" fairly loudly throughout announced at the end of one of Stephen Campbell Moore's speeches: "He's Maggie Smith's son." In truth neither he nor Toby Stephens should take offence - a very good actor being mistaken for another very good actor isn't the worst thing that could happen to a thespian.
Post by Deleted on Jul 9, 2018 18:48:31 GMT
I overheard a man telling his wife (well, presumably) how much he loved the Olivier space on Saturday. I'm not making fun of him, it was rather lovely to hear. He was talking about how some people rave about Westminster Abbey or St Peter's or the Colosseum, but he loved the inside of the Olivier because of how full of possibilities it was and how many great memories it held.
Post by Deleted on Jul 10, 2018 8:27:37 GMT
I overheard a man telling his wife (well, presumably) how much he loved the Olivier space on Saturday. I'm not making fun of him, it was rather lovely to hear. He was talking about how some people rave about Westminster Abbey or St Peter's or the Colosseum, but he loved the inside of the Olivier because of how full of possibilities it was and how many great memories it held. He's absolutely right of course. I adore the Olivier, it's probably one of my favourite theatres.
1,135 posts
Post by samuelwhiskers on Jul 10, 2018 16:56:08 GMT
The Olivier is my happy space. Don't know why, they've never given me an Olivier show, but something about that big pastel womb feels protective.
1,934 posts
Post by LaLuPone on Jul 24, 2018 18:25:07 GMT
At Dreamgirls: “I know there’s a lot of hip-hop in this, and I think it’s a modern take on the suffragette movement”. Lost for words.
Post by Deleted on Jul 24, 2018 22:00:52 GMT
Did... did they think they were seeing Sylvia at the Old Vic...?
2,044 posts
Post by distantcousin on Jul 25, 2018 14:58:05 GMT
At Dreamgirls: “I know there’s a lot of hip-hop in this, and I think it’s a modern take on the suffragette movement”. Lost for words.
Post by Deleted on Jul 25, 2018 17:34:55 GMT
Won't say what show (you can figure it out from my other postings if that way inclined) but during a quick scene change as the musical vamp finished and the theatre goes deathly quiet a child about 10 years old wakes up and turns to his mother "MUM, WHEN WILL IT END?" a little too loudly. Not popping this in bad behaviour because I don't think he intended it as audible as it was.
2,044 posts
Post by distantcousin on Jul 25, 2018 17:36:13 GMT
Daughter mid-20s with her Mother sat in the Circle of Palace Manchester earlier this week discussing shows they'd seen before. Mother brings the subject of "Les Misrables" (pronounces phonetically)... Daughter "Was that the one Ben Forester was in off of the tv?" Mother "Oh I don't remember, I switched off, it was all too doom and gloom for me" Daughter "Well it is supposed to be like that, Its about war and stuff" Mother "Well they all need to cheer up if you ask me". These people need putting out of their misery
2,044 posts
Post by distantcousin on Jul 25, 2018 17:39:08 GMT
Quite some time ago I saw a production of Pygmalion (I think it might have been at The National) and an American woman behind me said "That was very good, but whatever did they do with all those cute little songs?" I'm pretty sure it was a genuine question. I'm sure plenty of people have thought that over the years...
2,044 posts
Post by distantcousin on Jul 25, 2018 17:40:31 GMT
At 42nd Street last night (Lulu's) first night. At the end of Act 1 Dorothy Brock injurs her foot and Julian Marsh comes to the front of the stage to announce that Dorothy Brock can't continue and the show is cancelled. Someone in the front row said quite loudly "thank god". Rude.... OMG! I'm dying!!!
2,044 posts
Post by distantcousin on Jul 25, 2018 17:43:35 GMT
At Fat Friends on Tuesday night - lots of she was off that talent show, she was in that soap, she was in that band, he was in Corrie, he used to be a top Cricketer but can hold a tune etc. oh god. Isn't that the most tedious thing. And probably the most common thing you hear in mainstream theatre.
Post by Deleted on Jul 25, 2018 18:36:38 GMT
At Fat Friends on Tuesday night - lots of she was off that talent show, she was in that soap, she was in that band, he was in Corrie, he used to be a top Cricketer but can hold a tune etc. oh god. Isn't that the most tedious thing. And probably the most common thing you hear in mainstream theatre. My parents used to do that a lot when watching TV. Every time they saw someone they'd seen before it needed to be discussed, and it pissed me off something chronic.
Post by Deleted on Jul 26, 2018 6:57:44 GMT
oh god. Isn't that the most tedious thing. And probably the most common thing you hear in mainstream theatre. My parents used to do that a lot when watching TV. Every time they saw someone they'd seen before it needed to be discussed, and it pissed me off something chronic. Had this yesterday from a mother and daughter pair (un)suitable fueled up on booze running a live action Googlebox commentary for the duration of Fame every time that girl from Hollyoaks (Jeorgie Porter) did anything. I got duplicate sighs and a mega-death stare for shushing them after biting my tongue for the entire first act and half the second.
3,331 posts
Post by david on Jul 28, 2018 23:09:14 GMT
During the interval at tonight's performance of Dusty, one lady said to her companion about Katherine Kingsley's performance "Do you think she's singing live or miming?"
Post by MrsCondomine on Jul 30, 2018 8:38:51 GMT
An interval conversation as we left the auditorium - "The dumpy one is really good."
No prizes for guessing who this was about in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie... after all the furore, as well!