1,330 posts
Post by londonmzfitz on Mar 4, 2017 23:16:22 GMT
Telling both my sisters today about Uncle Pat in his coffin wearing glasses and shoes we were trying to think if we gave the undertakers shoes for our Mum when she died ... Which led us to the conversation with the lovely undertaker as to what they would want for, er, dressing the body. My elder sister the drunk had sorted through Mums wardrobe and had an outfit for her, but had thrown all her underwear away, and had to buy new knickers for our dead Mum..
Stuff you can giggle about years later ..
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Post by viserys on Mar 5, 2017 9:09:13 GMT
I gave in to the hype and bought Ed Sheeran's new album. Castle on the hill is just too damn catchy.
204 posts
Post by Sue on Mar 6, 2017 21:34:48 GMT
It was rubbish. I have a stinking cold. Work was stupidly busy and despite the 5 of us working our absolute arses off, we still finished the day 60 cases more in our group inbox than the start. A racing pigeon (who we named Ringo) that took up residence at ours in September and has eaten in the garden and slept on our roof here every single day/night since, has mysteriously decided to sleep elsewhere and only sometimes eat the gourmet platters we put out for him every day. Coh and I came home to an empty house after said crappy day at work.
However, on a much more positive note (so you don't think I'm feeling at all sorry for myself 😉) this week we're seeing Sue Perkins, Hacksaw Ridge at the flicks and then off to Crufts on Saturday to cuddle lots of dogs and watch my friend show her dogs in the ring.
So it's not all bad!
209 posts
Post by Flim Flam on Mar 7, 2017 8:10:47 GMT
Hadn't dropped into this thread for a while. Good grief, it has more drama than anything I've seen at the theatre lately...
223 posts
Post by Kim_Bahorel on Mar 7, 2017 12:56:06 GMT
I have a stocktake at work tonight God knows what will happen.
2,051 posts
Post by infofreako on Mar 7, 2017 15:53:31 GMT
A rubbish day pondering whether I fit in or am welcome on this forum.
Post by Deleted on Mar 7, 2017 16:01:39 GMT
We're theatre kids, we'll never fit in anywhere. But I do hope you'll stick around anyway.
I'm off to see Fences this evening. In hindsight, when my co-workers asked about my evening plans, maybe I should have stopped *before* gushing about Ma Rainey's Black Bottom and how I need to get more August Wilson into my life.
2,041 posts
Post by 49thand8th on Mar 7, 2017 16:15:39 GMT
I'm sad because a co-worker is leaving for a new job (amicably, at least!). The weather is annoying. But I had good cereal this morning.
That's all!
2,051 posts
Post by infofreako on Mar 7, 2017 16:22:41 GMT
I saw something earlier suggesting it was cereal day so cereal was a good choice.
2,041 posts
Post by 49thand8th on Mar 7, 2017 16:25:49 GMT
A cereal company sent them to my office because it was cereal day.
2,051 posts
Post by infofreako on Mar 7, 2017 16:25:58 GMT
We're theatre kids, we'll never fit in anywhere. But I do hope you'll stick around anyway. I'm off to see Fences this evening. In hindsight, when my co-workers asked about my evening plans, maybe I should have stopped *before* gushing about Ma Rainey's Black Bottom and how I need to get more August Wilson into my life. Ultimately the good outweighs the bad I guess and my attempts to discuss theatre on other forums I use related to football, professional firing systems and roller coasters don't seem to bring about decent discussion so I guess I'm stuck here keeping the different worlds apart.
Post by Deleted on Mar 7, 2017 20:48:22 GMT
Got taught how to stab someone with a pencil today. U have to laugh.
2,051 posts
Post by infofreako on Mar 7, 2017 20:50:00 GMT
Got taught how to stab someone with a pencil today. U have to laugh. I fear for myself at 42nd street on the 23rd if I were to tell your other half about the cheap tickets
Post by Deleted on Mar 7, 2017 21:35:21 GMT
I had my car washed properly for the first time in years, resulting in a substantially cleaner vehicle than I ever achieved myself with a bucket and a sponge. Now I'm terrified of getting it dirty again, which is ridiculous because a couple of days ago I was happily driving over soggy verges on single track roads without a thought for the mud that was spraying up on to the roof.
It won't last. I have to go out tomorrow. I have a choice of the boring A roads or the fun unclassified roads. It'll be the latter. Goodbye clean car, hello mud-brown one.
2,041 posts
Post by 49thand8th on Mar 7, 2017 21:41:35 GMT
Got taught how to stab someone with a pencil today. U have to laugh. Is there... an improper way to do this? I mean besides using the eraser end.
2,051 posts
Post by infofreako on Mar 7, 2017 22:01:50 GMT
A fine end to the day. Brighton won. Organised some future work opportunities.
Post by Deleted on Mar 8, 2017 11:07:22 GMT
Colleagues can keep their hands out of my damn drawers. If they want to borrow my scissors, they can ASK.
(Also most of my useful stationery is generally strewn across my desk rather than neatly placed in a drawer...)
2,389 posts
Post by peggs on Mar 8, 2017 15:02:53 GMT
Trying in the nicest way possible to relocate dozens of ladybirds from the office, mass hibernation appears to have taken place though I'd really have thought I'd have noticed them all marching in. They are now suiciding by sitting on the unfortunately red/black carpet if I don't get to them first.
Post by Deleted on Mar 8, 2017 17:21:45 GMT
We've just had a bit of a shake-up at work. My new boss has sent out his proposed seating plan for our new desks, and he has decided to put me next to the one co-worker I simply cannot bear to sit next to. Here's hoping he will respond to a campaign of Asking Really Politely If We Could Just Not, because I can't guarantee I will remain a productive and civil member of the team if he's dead set on his initial plan.
4,164 posts
Post by kathryn on Mar 8, 2017 21:26:38 GMT
Sweeney Todd is currently on TV. The first time I saw this film I'd never actually seen Sweeney on stage, and I rather enjoyed it. I've even got the DVD somewhere. Since then I have seen 3 excellent productions, and, well, I now understand why this film was not enthusiastically received at the time...
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Post by viserys on Mar 9, 2017 8:07:43 GMT
I couldn't resist attending a musical concert with a bunch of top performers yesterday as it was basically on my doorstep (15 minutes walk). Looking back now I can't believe I paid the equivalent of £45 (in the cheap back rows, most rows were £56) for six people and a piano on a bare stage. And while Germany does have top-notch performers indeed, I ended up feeling frustrated by how few chances these people have to shine in great shows on big stages. Instead they trudge around the provinces or spend five years doing the sodding Dance of the Vampires. The concert also confirmed that German tastes never evolved beyond the blockbusters of the 90s, virtually every song in the concert was a samey balled ending on a big belt note. Meh. Brexit be damned, can I claim cultural asylum in the UK please?
Post by Deleted on Mar 9, 2017 8:35:37 GMT
Sweeney Todd is currently on TV. The first time I saw this film I'd never actually seen Sweeney on stage, and I rather enjoyed it. I've even got the DVD somewhere. Since then I have seen 3 excellent productions, and, well, I now understand why this film was not enthusiastically received at the time... I discovered this was on when I turned the tv on last night and started channel hopping...having only seen it in the cinema I thought 'sure let's watch a bit and see what it's like'....less than one song later I resumed my Gilmore Girls binge instead....
Yesterday I finally managed to finish a writing piece that has been KILLING me to finish, and kept me working until 9-10pm every night for a week, despite being relatively short. And I can't wait to give it a final proof read and send it off to the editors after work today.
Today I get to sit through IT giving us a presentation on how to use a 'new' software programme....that I used for 7 years in my old job *headdesk*
722 posts
Post by hulmeman on Mar 11, 2017 14:46:18 GMT
Well, I hope my day will be really good, just about to meet up with some friends in that there Manchester "gay village" for afternoon tea. The only negative is that tea is not all that will be drunk I suspect.
2,302 posts
Post by Tibidabo on Mar 11, 2017 17:19:32 GMT
Took the dog to get her nails clipped and it was absolute carnage. She is such an utter wimp. When we opened the door to go back to the waiting room someone looked at all the blood on the floor, and on us, and asked if she'd been run over! (No, but don't tempt me!)
And how much did the vet charge for this half an hour of hell?
No, I've not left any noughts off.....my vet is amazing and I love her.
4,046 posts
Post by Dawnstar on Mar 11, 2017 17:50:05 GMT
I spent over 3 hours excavating a pile of 2.5 years worth of theatre programmes, tickets & miscellaneous impedimenta. I then spent an hour lying down to recover! Think I've slightly pulled a back muscle but at least everything is now in order.